A Message from California State Regent, Melody Ciaravino:

It is with great joy that I announce that the California State Court will now be sending out releases and communication via email.

Due to financial reasons, the cost of printing and mailing, and the fact that National is now sending their releases out via email, it was decided at the December Board Meeting that the California Court should also go electronic.

Regents, you can now simply click on the links below to print the releases that you would normally share with your courts.

It is the hope of the State Board that this information will get to you more quickly than it has in the past. We realize this is a huge transition so please bear with us as we make this change.

If for any reason you are unable to access the links or you need assistance in learning how to print the releases please contact our State Secretary, Karen Bootz and she will assist you.

We appreciate your patience during this transitional period.

With God’s Blessings,

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